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abduction lint
外展夹板  detail>>
 n.  1.诱拐。 2.外展(作用)。  detail>>
abduction of
abduction右臂被外展开来  detail>>
 n.  1.皮棉 (= lint cotton)。 2.(作绷带用的)软麻布。 3.棉绒。  detail>>
t lint
t型夹  detail>>
abduction blocks
外展板  detail>>
abduction cap
外展帽  detail>>
abduction contracture
外展挛缩  detail>>
abduction of child
拐带儿童  detail>>
abduction of foot
足外展  detail>>
abduction of the foot
足外展  detail>>
abduction of woman
勾引妇女  detail>>
abduction orthoses
外展矫形器  detail>>
abduction splint
外展肌夹板 外展夹板 外展架  detail>>
abduction test
外展试验  detail>>
active abduction
主动外展  detail>>
alien abduction
外星人绑架  detail>>
hand abduction
手臂外展  detail>>